
Marketing Strategy

This tag is associated with 3 posts

Integrating Analytics Into The Marketing Strategy Process

Close integration of analytics into the marketing strategy process is a prerequisite for harnessing the power inherent in the new world of expanding data and information. Marketers need the rigorous quantitative and objective evidence to understand the market, position themselves, and continuously adapt. An earlier piece titled “Can Analytics Drive Strategy?” explored the role of … Continue reading

Can Analytics Drive Marketing Strategy?

Markets can be unforgiving; therefore, it is in the best interest of marketers to harness rigorous quantitative, objective evidence to understand the market, to position, and to continuously adapt. Marketing analytics provides a slew of solutions towards this end. Businesses continue to explore avenues to stay relevant in the market place and to one-up their … Continue reading

Will Personalization Relegate Segmentation To History?

You may have wondered whether we still need segmentation-based targeting when technology has made personalization-based targeting possible. This piece argues that segmentation will continue to be a key marketing tool because segmentation plays some vital roles that may never be addressed by personalization. The case for segmentation Customer segmentation, the categorization of customers into groups … Continue reading